Aither Commodities, from its Milan headquarters, specializes in the agricultural business for food and energy industries. Given its experience in green energy, running its own biomass power plants, the company imports and exports agricultural products from Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe, Italy and South America. Prices and Premia are always linked to the current market conditions and follow the major international indices. On-time delivery and sustainability are the key drivers of the agricultural division. Find below a list of the principal products we trade and please contact our desk for more information.
We aim and promote the agricultural business through direct investments in green-fields and expanding the variety of usages of each plantation. Our seeds are popularized for their excellent taste and their healthy properties for the food industry. Our quality has seen a sharp growth in recent years through organic cultivation processes, ensuring the highest yields.
Paddy seeds

Rice is a universal crop and it is grown on every continent except Antarctica, occupying 150 million ha, producing 573 million tones paddy with an average productivity of 3.83 tones/ha. Its cultivation is of immense importance to food security of Asia, where more than 90% of the global rice is produced and consumed. The cultivation of rice goes as far back as 1500 -800 BC. Our seeds are a master in varietal paddy production with a long list of products; Hybrid Paddy, in particular, is where our company has experienced exceptional success, through internal studies and analysis to develop brand new lines of products, suitable with different agro-climatic areas such as:
- Diverse grain qualities and types suitable to different categories.
- Special and distinctive taste parameters.
- Varying maturity periods.
- Tolerance to various pests and diseases.
Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower is one of the most important oil seed crop grown in temperate countries. It is a major source of vegetable oil in the world. In India it has gained popularity due to the national priority of vegetable oil production. India is one of the largest producers of oil seed crops in the world. Sunflower occupies fourth place among oil seed crops in terms of acreage and production. Sunflower oil is considered premium when compared to other vegetable oils. Sunflower is the oil of preference among consumers the world over due to its health appeal. In India, sunflower oil is the largest selling oil in the branded oil segment. Sunflower is also a crop of choice for farmers due to its wider adaptability, high yield potential, shorter duration and profitability. In collaboration with the Solid & Fuels division, we plan to export sunflower and crude palm oil from Southeast Asian countries and South America and rapeseed oil from Eastern Europe. Aither Commodities adds value to the agricultural chain through its ongoing research and development.
For more information on the edible oils traded by Aither Commodities, please visit our Solid & Liquid Fuels Division page or contact us directly to speak with our sales division.
Wheat Seeds

Wheat is one of the most important staple food grains of the human race. Compared to other cereals, it is more nutrient-dense. The major producing areas are the United States and India. Our R&D ensures the seeds will reach the farmers in perfect condition (high genetic purity rate, high physiological quality and high nutritive properties). Our major goal is to improve the quality of our products through research and testing. Our key areas of focus are:
- High productivity and suitability to different agro-climatic areas;
- High resistance to diseases; and
- No pesticides or other chemical treatment but only natural fertilizers.