Woodchips are a medium-sized solid material made by cutting or chipping larger pieces of wood. They are usually used as solid fuels and typically called “biomass solid fuel” for electricity production from renewable energy. Woodchips are a perfect substitute for coal and excellent for CO2 reduction.
Woodchips, such as ligno-cellulosic and other biomass fuels, are a renewable resource because the waste materials are the raw material for the growth of plant species on a global scale. The chips can be produced by processing agricultural and forestry waste or dedicated, short rotation crops. Woodchips are used to generate electricity to produce heat or are combined in cogeneration plants.
Woodchips are used either in small-scale power plants (a few hundred kW) or large plants (up to 1MW).
We source woodchips from Northern Italy as well as from Central and Eastern European countries. Our contribution to clean energy production is tangible and we strive to establish a perfect balance between fossil and renewable energy sources.

Why woodchips
Affordable |
Widely available |
Carbon neutral |
Sustainable |
Canada |
Eastern Europe |
Italy |
Aither Commodities is active in conducting CDM projects linked to the generation of power from renewable energy. We follow and develop your project across every aspect: financial, legal, administrative and execution.